Transfer with DeeMoney and receive COVID-19 Insurance Cover up to THB 500,000

Transfer with DeeMoney and receive COVID-19 Insurance Cover up to THB 500,000

DeeMoney has partnered with Frank Insurance to provide coverage to customers of up to 500,000 THB when transferring a minimum of 200,000 THB with DeeMoney within the 25th of March till the 12th of April 2020.*

1. The above insurance premiums include 7% VAT and 0.4% stamp duty.
2. The insured aged between 1 year – 99 years (current year minus the year of birth) at the date of the insurance must be completely healthy, not disabled, without any chronic disease and undergone insurance consideration.
3. This insurance policy does not cover people who are infected with Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) disease (including the condition complications) or that were before the insurance and still not cured or is a person suspected of being addicted.
4. Limit the purchase of 1 person per insured amount not more than 1 million Baht.
5. **Any illnesses such as coma, brain and nervous system damage or disorders, terminal illness, and or death that is a direct result from the Coronavirus where a physician has determined that there is no cure for which has been caused by coronavirus (2019-nCoV) virus.
6. Benefits and coverage are according to the policy terms and conditions.
7. The insured person must reside in Thailand during the time of policy issuance (In case of a foreigner, He/She must reside in Thailand longer than 6 months, otherwise Passport and Work permits documents are required )
8. If your policy number has already been issued, refunds are not allowed .

** Illness with serious conditions or diseases caused by a coronavirus infection. (Coronavirus (2019-nCoV))
Medical treatment from infections (Coronavirus(2019-nCoV))

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