Title: Nop Phra Len Pleng Tradition in Phayalithai period
Location: Kamphaeng Phet
Description: Nop Phra Len Pleng Tradition in Phayalithai period
Date: February 17-20, 2011
Venue: Poh courtyard at the front of Kampangpetch district office, Kampangpetch
Activities: Worshipping parade of Pra Ba Rom Ma Tard (Royal’s bones), OTOP products distribution, and agricultural products transform demonstration, religious activities, art and cultural performances etc.
For more information:
Kampangpetch provincial office Tel. 0 5584 1544
TAT Sukhothai office Tel. 0 5561 6228-9
Category: Art and Culture
Suitable for: All types of travelers
Start Date: 2011-02-17
End Date: 2011-02-20