2024 CONTEMPORARY WORLD FILM SERIES, AT TK PARKFIFTH FILM OF THE YEAR‘OUR SEASON’ , KOREADirected by YOOK SANG-HYO1 Hr 45 MinsSATURDAY 26 OCTOBER 2024, 4:00 PMSupported by Embassy of the Republic of Korea & the Korean Cultural This is a moving story of domestic love that traverses this world and...
In response to the alarming rise in violence against children, Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya in Ramnagariya, Jaipur, held an impactful awareness campaign titled “Jago Bachon Jago” today. Spearheaded by NRI and philanthropist Sunil Kothari in collaboration with the Rajasthan Police, this state-level initiative seeks to educate children on their rights, encourage...
In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, Lotus Azure Medical Service Saha Clinic is committed to women health and to take charge of their health by offering free breast cancer screenings and discounted tests. Early Detection Saves Lives Breast cancer is a significant health concern impacting millions of...