Title: Boh Sang umbrella and San Kampang handicraft festival
Location: Chiang Mai
Description: Boh Sang umbrella and San Kampang handicraft festival
Date : January 21-23, 2011
Venue : Boh Sang handicraft communities, Ton pao locality, San Kampang district, Chiang Mai
Activities : Women riding “Kang Jong” bicycle parade, Arts and Cultural parade, arch decoration and contest, Miss Boh Sang Umbrellla contest and many entertainment activities
For more information :
Ton Pao district municipal office Tel. 0 5333 8048-9
Tourism Thailand, Chiang Mai office Tel. 0 5324 8604, 0 5324 8607
Category: Religious and Spiritual Events, Fairs & Festivals
Suitable for: All types of travelers
Scale: Local
Start Date: 2011-01-21
End Date: 2011-01-23